Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Become A (Virtual) Voice In Norristown

Posted By: Unknown - 3:00 AM
Norristown has alot of voices around town that are all focused on creating a positive difference. But how many of them are voicing their ideas online? The answer is not many. Today's post will discuss why you should become a (virtual) voice in Norristown.

Norristown Diary is one of the most recognizable virtual voices for Norristown. The Norristown Project and Stan Huskey with The Times Herald also speak out online. But that's about it. When you look at how many organizations are in Norristown looking to make a difference and the number is through the roof. So what would the benefit of at least half of them blogging be?

Much of the younger generation (myself included) lives online. They don't read the newspaper unless it shows up in their news feed on Facebook. They hardly go to meetings and other community events that are aimed to restore our town. If the information is not readily available to them online, then that large demographic of Norristown misses out. We shouldn't forget about them, so it's time for us to reach out.

Starting a blog is easier than you think. The site TNP uses is Another blog site available is Tumblr and Wordpress. All three are equally great, so you can't go wrong with your choice. I picked blogger since I already have a gmail and that gives me one less password to remember.

Now you have set up the blog... your next step is figuring out the title and theme for your blog. The title for our blog is 'The Norristown Project' with the theme of "implementing visions for a better community." Pick a topic about Norristown that is important to you. Maybe it's sports, retail, community service, arts, etc. You can't go wrong with the topic you choose. The best advice is to stick to that subject. Once you blog enough about that certain topic you love to talk about, you will then become the 'go-to' when someone wants to get caught up on that specific subject related to Norristown. 

In between creating content and substance comes building a following. The best way to start getting the word out about your blog is to reach out with your friends and family. Each time you post, be sure to share your content on your social media platforms and ask people to share your post. With time, it will begin to spread. People will begin to subscribe to your blog and you will see your view count jump. Don't get discouraged if you find yourself having a hard time gaining views at first. They will come. Remember 'Field of Dreams,' if you build it, they will come.

Grammar isn't 100% important when creating a blog. That's good news for me being a finance student and the last time I touched an English book was in 2008! As long as u ain't talkin in slang, u good. Try to make your blog entries sound somewhat simple but professional. They need to be easy to read and to the point. This particular blog entry is long for a regular entry, but most posts should take about 5-10 minutes max to read. Add pictures and videos to give the eye a break. Also, break paragraphs down to 3-4 sentences max.

So those are the basic steps to becoming a blogger. Spend an hour or so each day to write a new entry... or if you're in a writing mood... write more and schedule your blogs in advance. 

I encourage you to begin blogging in Norristown. Maybe if we get enough interest in the community, TNP will host a "blog party" where we will have residents come together, select a topic about Norristown out of a hat, and blog about it! 

I hope to see more (virtual) voices in Norristown! Are you blogging yet?

About Unknown

Shae Ashe was born and raised in Norristown, PA and the founder of the Norristown Project. He is a graduate of Norristown Area High School and Norfolk State University.


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